Those who are interested in Anarkali Restaurant Ramadan Deals can check its latest deals and discounts from here. This place is not just offering one or two deals but offering more than 4 deals for Iftar and 4 deals for Sehri. Apart from this, they are also arranging a special buffet for those who are taking interest in Sehri and Iftar buffet at Anarkali Restaurant Rawalpindi. You can reserve your table for the buffet as the reservation is required by the restaurant for the iftar and Sehri buffet. In case, if you don’t want to try their buffet then, you can order their normal platters and deals for Sehri and Iftar.

Anarkali Restaurant Ramadan Deals

The Anarkali Restaurant is one of the best places for desi and Pakistani food. This place is offering a variety of food including BBQ, mutton karahi, chicken karahi, some of Asian food, and much more. During the month of Ramadan, they introduce special discounts on their regular menu. For more details of its Ramadan deals and discounts, you can check the below side.

Anarkali Restaurant Iftar Buffet:

People who are taking interest in the Iftar buffet at Anarkali restaurant can check Anarkali Restaurant Iftar Buffet Menu from here. We are sharing their menu with prices so that you can check the list of offerings in their Iftar buffet. For more details, you can place a call on their contact number.

Anarkali Restaurant Iftar Buffet

Iftar Platter:

Apart from the Iftar cum dinner buffet, this restaurant is also offering special Iftar platters too. People who are not taking interest in buffets can try their special Iftar platter and can receive a special discount from this place.

Anarkali Restaurant Iftar Platter Anarkali Restaurant Iftar Platter 1

Sehri Platters:

Like Iftar platter and buffet, this place is also offering special Sehri deals through Sehri platters. You can check their latest deals and discounts from here and can order any of these platters for Sehri and Iftar.

Anarkali Restaurant Sehri Platter Anarkali Restaurant Sehri Platter 2 Anarkali Restaurant Sehri Platter 1

Diva Restaurant Ramadan Deals

Those who want to order Anarkali Restaurant Ramadan Deals from home can also avail of home delivery service from this restaurant. For more details, you can call on the contact number of Anarkali Restaurant Rawalpindi.

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