Those who are looking for the Best Iftar Buffet In Abbottabad can check the list of restaurants that are offering buffets. During the month of Ramadan, every restaurant that offers regular lunch or dinner buffets starts offering Sehri and iftar buffets. The purpose of these buffets is to facilitate those Muslims who fast during this blessing month. They can Iftar their fast with the yummiest food from these restaurants as they are offering an iftar cum dinner buffet at very affordable prices. It is compulsory to check the list of restaurants because only a few of them are offering a special Iftar buffet in Abbottabad.

Best Iftar Buffet In Abbottabad

People who want to make their Iftar special can make it special through Iftar buffets. We have prepared the list of best restaurants that are offering Iftar Buffets in Abbottabad. So, what are you waiting for? Just check the list of these places and visit them for the yummiest and most affordable iftar.

Best Iftar Places in Abbottabad:

People who are looking for the best Iftar places in Abbottabad can visit any of the below-given restaurants. These restaurants are offering a special Iftar buffet so that people can eat more in a low price. We are sharing the details of their iftar buffet along with their prices. So, check the below side and choose which restaurant is worthy to visit.

  1. Usmania Restaurant
  2. MNAK Restaurant
  3. Chaaye Khaana
  4. PC Hotel

Usmania Restaurant:

When it comes to the best restaurants in Abbottabad, people always talk about Usmania Restaurant Abbottabad. This place has introduced a special Iftar buffet during the month of Ramadan. So, if you are interested in the Iftar buffet then, you can reserve your table at the Usmania restaurant in Abbottabad. All the details of Usmania Restaurant Iftar Buffet are available on this website.

Usmania Restaurant Iftar Deals

MNAK Restaurant Abbottabad:

Another ideal place for Iftar in Abbottabad is MNAK restaurant Abbottabad. This place is not offering an ordinary menu but offers a special Iftar buffet to foodies from Abbottabad. People who love to eat the best desi food in Iftar can visit this place as they are now open for the Iftar buffet. You can check the details of the MNAK Ramadan Deals and Menu from here and can reserve your seat at this place.

MNAK Restaurant Ramadan Deals

Chaaye Khaana:

The Chaaye Khaana is one of the famous places in Pakistan. This eatery has also its branch in Abbottabad too. Like other cities, they are also offering a special Iftar buffet in this city too. So, if you are interested in the Chaaye Khana Iftar buffet in Abbottabad then, you can check its complete details before visiting.

Chaaye khana iftar buffet

Pearl Continental Hotel:

The PC Hotel or Pearl continental Hotel is not only famous for its luxury rooms but also famous for its tasty food too. During the month of Ramadan, this hotel introduces one of the best Iftar buffets for the foodies of Abbottabad. So, if you are interested in PC Iftar Buffet then, you can check its menu and prices from here.

PC Iftar Buffet

These are the restaurants that are offering Best Iftar Buffet In Abbottabad. You can visit any of these restaurants to try one of the yummiest Iftar at very economical prices. For other Ramadan deals in Abbottabad, you can check the below side.

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