Those who are looking for the Best Katta Karahi in Lahore can check the list of places that are offering special Katta Karahi in this city. As you know the trend of eating beef is demolishing with the passage of time but still, there are some people who love to eat beef and mutton due to its taste. In rural areas of Pakistan especially in Punjab people love to eat beef instead of chicken but in cities like Lahore people avoid beef as there are some thugs who are selling unhygienic meat. But there are still some places in Lahore that are not only selling beef but also taking care of halal and hygiene meat. For more details, you can check the below side.

Best Katta Karahi in Lahore

Beef is one of the most consumed meats in Pakistan and the main reason is its taste. People who belong to Punjab love to eat Katta because of its unique taste. But it is very rare to find beef karahi in Lahore as it is only available at weddings and other events. So, if you want to eat Katta in Lahore from a restaurant then, we will share the list of restaurants that are offering Katta karahi. Here is the list of these restaurants.

Best Beef Karahi in Lahore:

People who are looking for the Best beef Karahi in Lahore can check the list of places that are offering beef Karahi. You can visit any of these restaurants and can try one of the yummiest beef Karahi at very reasonable rates. So, have a look at the below-given list.

Best Katta Karahi in Lahore

Al Qaisar Special Katta Karahi:

The first restaurant that is offering the best Kata Karahi in Lahore is Al Qaisar restaurant. This place is located near Askari 9 gate near Saddar Lahore. Apart from Katta Karahi, they also have special beef Tikka and much more. You can check the complete Al Qaisar Katta Karahi Menu from here and can visit this place to enjoy one of the yummiest Beef Karahi.

Baba Jamal Tikka:

Another best place for Beef Karahi in Lahore is Baba Jamal Tikka near the Mall of Lahore. Although this place is famous for serving BBQ, especially Beef BBQ, you can also try their special Beef Karahi too. So, if you want to check the price and other details of Baba Jamal Tikka then, you can check from this website.

On the above side, we are sharing two restaurants that are offering Best Katta Karahi in Lahore. There are also many other places that are offering beef or Katta Karahi. You can let us know about those places through comments. We will surely update this list as soon as possible.

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