Those who are looking for the Best Ramadan Deals In Rawalpindi 2022 can check the list of restaurants that are offering Sehri and Iftar deals. In Rawalpindi, there are different restaurants that are offering Iftar buffet and Sehr buffet to their customers. There are also some restaurants that are offering special Iftar platters to their customers. So, either you want to check the buffet places in your city or want to check the iftar platter places, you can check from here. On the below side, we are going to share the complete detail of these restaurants where you can visit this Ramadan to get the best Ramadan deals.

Best Ramadan Deals In Rawalpindi 2022

In Ramadan, almost every restaurant introduces different deals to its customers. We are sharing the list of those restaurants which are offering the best Sehri and Iftar Deals in Rawalpindi in 2022.

Sehri and Iftar Deals In Rawalpindi:

These are the restaurants offering Sehri and Iftar deals in Rawalpindi that you can avail of by visiting this place or by ordering from home. Some of these deals are only valid for takeaways and home deliveries. So, check this list and order your favorite deals from your favorite restaurant.

  1. Monal Downtown
  2. Anarkali Restaurant
  3. Mei Kong
  4. Saffron Foodies
  5. KFC

Monal Downtown Rawalpindi:

The first restaurant which is offering the best sehri and iftar deals in this city is Monal Downtown Rawalpindi. This place also offers an Iftar buffet to its customers that you can avail of by visiting this place or by ordering from home. During this pandemic, such restaurants have introduced Iftar platters. So, if you are interested in this restaurant then check its complete details from here.

Best Ramadan Deals In Rawalpindi

Anarkali Restaurant:

The Anarkali Restaurant is offering one of the best Pakistani or Desi food. If you are a BBQ lover then this place must be in your priority list. So, those who are interested to check Anarkali Restaurant Rawalpindi Sehri and Iftar Deals can check from this website.

Best Ramadan Deals In Rawalpindi 2021

Mei Kong:

Mei Kong is a Chinese restaurant which is offering the best Chinese in Rawalpindi. This place has also introduced an Iftar buffet for its customers. So, if you are interested in its iftar buffet or want to know more about its deals then you can check Mei Kong Rawalpindi Deals from here.

Best Ramadan Deals In Rawalpindi 2021 1

Saffron Foodies:

Another best place where you can bring your family or friends for a marvelous Iftar or Sehri is Saffron Foodies Rawalpindi. This place is also offering a special discount through its Ramadan Deals. This is one of the best Best Ramadan Deals In Rawalpindi that you can avail.

Saffron Foodies Commercial Market Rawalpindi Menu

KFC Rawalpindi:

KFC is also offering different deals during the holiest month of Ramadan. So, if you are interested in avail of KFC Rawalpindi deals then you can simply visit KFC Pakistan Ramadan Deals. Check your favorite deal and avail of that deal by calling on their contact number or by visiting this place.

KFC Ramadan Deal

So, those who want to get more details about Best Ramadan Deals In Rawalpindi 2021 can visit the main page of this website. If you know any other best place in this city that is offering Sehri or iftar deals then let us know through comments. We will surely add that restaurant to this list.

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