Now you all can see the details of Irshad Bhatti Karahi Tikka from this place. As the menu card and the updated rates are available on this website. A family restaurant that has tasty and quality tikka items for the customers. We will also share other details of the restaurant on the website. The contact details and the Address details are mentioned in this place. So if you are interested to eat tasty food then this place would be your priority. Now make sure to see the details from here and then visit the place with your friends or family members.

Irshad Bhatti Karahi Tikka

Irshad Bhatti Restaurant is a place where you can take your family to this place and enjoy the moments. Apart from enjoyment, you will also get a lot of food varieties. Now further menu card details are just available on the below side. As they have a variety of food so you have to visit this restaurant to have tasty food at lower rates.

Irshad Bhatti Restaurant Menu Card:

As we have already mentioned that they have tasty Karahi tikka for the customers. They have tasty tikka items that no other restaurant has near to you. The rates of the restaurant are also available on this website. See the offering of the restaurant from the below-given images.

Irshad Bhatti Restaurant Specialty:

When it comes to the special item of the restaurant then they have the tasty champ and even the karahi is the hottest selling item of this place. The way of presenting food also makes the dish special and tasty.

Irshad Bhatti Karahi specialIrshad Bhatti Karahi Tikka

Irshad Bhatti Restaurant Images:

The pictures of the restaurant are shared here. They have a vast hall so you can take your whole family with you to have fun at the same time. See the lovely vibe of this place from here.

Irshad Bhatti Karahi image

Irshad Bhatti Karahi Contact Number:

To know the timing of this place you have to call on the given numbers.

0333 4415715

Irshad Bhatti Karahi Address:

For the address, you have to check the below side.

Lakshmi Chowk، McLeod Rd, Qila Gujjar Singh, Lahore, Punjab 54000

Irshad Bhatti Karahi Location:

As the link to the location is provided for you.

Savour Food Lakshmi Chowk

All the best possible information related to Irshad Bhatti Karahi Tikka is just available here. We have tried to share the menu card and the updated rates on the website. Now you can also see the other restaurant that is situated in Lakshmi Chowk.

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