People who are interested in Kallisto Ramadan Deals can check some of the best Sehri and Iftar deals of this place from this website. The Kallisto Restaurant is one of the best restaurants in the Twin Cities of Pakistan. This place has one of the best views where foodies can enjoy the yummiest food while enjoying the beautiful view. Furthermore, they have rooftop sitting for their customers too where you can sit with your family and can see the sunset during the time of Iftar. For more details on Kallisto Sehri and Iftar deals, you can check the below side.

Kallisto Ramadan Deals

The Kallisto restaurant is a theme-based restaurant that is offering different cuisines at very reasonable prices. This place is famous for its yummiest food and eye-catching view. You can either visit this place to try its yummiest food or can also visit to spend some quality time at this place. We are sharing its latest deals and discounts that are valid during the month of Ramadan. For more details, you can check the below side.

Kallisto Iftar Deals:

The Kallisto restaurant usually offers an Iftar buffet to its customers during the month of Ramadan. This place is also offering special deals and you can try some of the best Kallisto Iftar Deals from this website. These deals are the best way of getting a special discount from one of the best restaurants in Islamabad.

Kallisto Iftar Cum Dinner Buffet Menu

Kallisto Ramadan Deals

Kallisto Sehri Deals:

Like Iftar, this place is also offering some of the best Sehri deals too. Those who are interested in Kallisto Sehri Deals can check the below-given deals and can avail of special discounts on Sehri too. This place is also arranging a Sehri buffet and you can reserve your table for the Kallisto Sehri buffet by dialing their contact number.

Kallisto Sehri Buffet


You can reserve your table for the Kallisto Iftar buffet or Kallisto Sehri buffet by dialing their contact number. The contact number of Kallisto restaurant is as follows.

0322 6252222

Hamlet BBQ Ramadan Deals

These are the details of the Kallisto Ramadan Deals for Iftar and Sehri. People who want to visit this place during the month of Ramadan can check its special Sehri and Iftar buffet Menu with prices from this website.

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