The Khalifa Balochi Sajji has its place in the list of top desi restaurants in Lahore. So, if you are looking for Khalifa Balochi Sajji Lahore Menu with prices then you can check from this place. In Lahore, people love to eat BBQ and when it comes to BBQ then they like Balochi-style BBQ especially Sajji. There may be thousands of places serving sajji but when it comes to the perfect sajji then lahories always go to Khalifa Sajji Lahore. So, if you haven’t visited this place before then you need to visit this place and have to try their special Sajji with rice. On the below side, you will find the complete detail of this restaurant including address, location, and contact number.

Khalifa Balochi Sajji Lahore Menu

This place is not only serving sajji but you can also get other bbq items like kabab, Tikka, and much more. In winters, they also have fish for fish lovers. So, if you want to try the best grill fish near Mughalpura Lahore then you can visit this place.

Khalifa Sajji Lahore Menu:

This place is offering Sajji, Kabab, Tikka, and other BBQ items. So, if you want to check the complete Khalifa Sajji Lahore Menu then here is the menu. Open the below pictures and check the prices of this place.

Khalifa Balochi Sajji Lahore Menu


The specialty of this place is its special chicken Sajji. You can also try their BBQ, and grill fish. So, if you are a sajji lover then you will surely love this place.

Restaurant Pictures:

We are also sharing the restaurant pictures of Khalifa Balochi Sajji Lahore. If you are bringing your family then you can check their family sitting area. So, here are the pictures of this place.

Khalifa Balochi Sajji Lahore Pics

Contact Number:

For home delivery, you can call on Khalifa Balochi Sajji Lahore contact number which is as follows.

0322 4643404


This place is located in Mughalpura Lahore. Here is the complete address of this place.

Shop# 37, Main Bazar, Mughalpura Rd, Garhi Shahu, Lahore, Punjab


If you are finding trouble finding this place then simply follow the directions from the below-given maps.

Badshah Tandoors Menu

If you have any question regarding Khalifa Balochi Sajji Lahore Menu with prices then you can call on their contact number. You can also check other famous places in Lahore from this website.

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