People who are interested in La Montana Sehri and Iftar Buffet can check the menu of these buffets along with their prices. La Montana is a famous place in Islamabad which is offering the best food along with the best view. This place offers regular deals but when the month of Ramadan starts, they start offering special discounts on their Sehri and iftar buffets. On the below side, we are going to share their Sehri and Iftar buffet menu with prices. So, what are you waiting for? Just check the reservation number of this restaurant and confirm your seat for Sehri or iftar.

La Montana Sehri and Iftar Buffet

La Montana is an ideal place for desi food lovers, especially during the month of Ramadan. This place is introducing three buffets in Ramadan including two Iftar buffets and a Sehri buffet. So, if you want to check the list of offerings in their buffets then, you can check the below-given pictures.

La Montana Iftar Buffet:

There are two types of La Montana Iftar Buffets and the prices of these two are different. They are offering a regular Iftar cum dinner buffet at just Rs 1399 plus tax and a special buffet at just Rs 1799 plus tax. You can compare the menu of these two buffets and reserve your seat in a special buffet or regular buffet as per your choice.

La Montana Iftar Buffet La Montana Special Iftar Buffet

La Montana Sehri Buffet:

People who are taking interest in the La Montana Sehri buffet must have to know that they are offering mutton paya, beef Nihari, Balochi chicken karahi, a variety of BBQ, Chinese, and much more. Furthermore, they are charging 50% for kids under 6 years of age, and children up to 2 years will not be charged.

La Montana Sehri Buffet

Reservation Number:

Those who want to confirm their seat for Sehri and Iftar buffet can check the reservation number of La Montana restaurant from here. Here is the contact number of this restaurant for a reservation.


La Terrazza Ramadan Deals

These are the details of the La Montana Sehri and Iftar Buffet menu with prices. You can check its menu for buffets and can visit this place for one of the best buffets in Ramadan.

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