Those who are looking for Layers Bakery DHA Menu can check the complete menu with prices from this website. This bakery is providing the best quality cakes at very reasonable prices. If you are looking for the best cheesecake in DHA Lahore then you can visit this place to try their lemon cheesecake or strawberry cheesecake. Furthermore, you can also get your customized cake for your birthdays, engagement, bridal shower, or other events. So, if you are interested in customized cakes then you can simply visit this place for your order. Currently, they don’t have a home delivery service so you need to visit this place personally. So, for its complete address or contact number, you can simply scroll down.
Layers Bakery DHA Menu
At this bakery, you cannot only get the best cakes but can also get sundaes and cupcakes. So, if you want to try their sundaes or cupcakes then you must have to visit during their opening timings. For prices, you can check their complete menu from here.
Layers Bakery Menu:
The newly opened bakery is providing the best quality cakes, sundaes, cupcakes, and much more. So, if you are interested to visit this place and want to check their offerings with prices then you can check from here. We have shared Layers Bakery Menu with prices on the below side that you can check by opening the below pictures.
Those who want to check the specialty of Layers Bakery Lahore can try their special cakes. Their cheesecakes are one of the best cheesecakes in Lahore. Apart from cheesecake, you can try their chocolate chunk cookies, brownies, and muffins.
Contact Number:
Those who are looking for Layers Bakery DHA Lahore contact number can check from here. Here is the contact number of this bakery for complaints or other details.
0302 4000587
If you are interested to visit this place then you need to check Layers Bakery Lahore’s complete address from here. Here is the complete address.
Shop 12, Block-Y, Phase 3C, DHA Phase 3, Lahore
Find this bakery on the below-given google maps.
Those who have any questions related to Layers Bakery DHA Menu prices can call on their contact numbers. Currently, they are not delivering. So, if you want to get their cakes then you need to visit this place to get their cakes. For other places, you can scroll down.