People who want to eat the yummiest hand toasted nan or pizza can visit Naan Stop Johar Karachi. We are sharing the complete details of the Naan Stop Johar Menu with prices so that people who are interested to visit can check the details before visiting. You can also check the latest deals and discounts of this place from this website and can check their number for home delivery in Johar Karachi. Apart from this, you can also check their complete address with pin location so that you can easily find this place. So, have a look at the below side for more details about this place.

Naan Stop Johar Menu

As you know there are a lot of famous eateries in Johar Karachi but only a few of them are worthy to visit. The Naan Stop Johar is one of those places that you must have to visit if you love to eat the yummiest food in Karachi. We are not only sharing its complete menu but also sharing its prices so that you can decide about visiting this place. So, have a look at the complete details of this restaurant which are as follows.

Naan Stop Gulistan-e-Johar Menu:

People who want to visit Naan Stop can check the complete Naan Stop Gulistan-e-Johar Menu with prices from here. They are offering a variety of stuffed naan, pizzas, and much more. So, check their complete menu and decide what you are going to order from this place.

Naanstop menu


This place is offering hand toasted nans and pizza in brick oven pizza cooked on wooden. If we talk about the special dish of this place then, their pizzas and naans are worthy to try. You can check the complete details from the above-given menu card pictures.



Those who are interested to visit this place can check out some of the best deals from here. Some of the best deals of Naan Stop Johar Karachi are as follows.

Naan stop images

Contact Number:

Naan Stop Johar Contact Number for home delivery and reservation is as follows.

0336 1116226


For the address, you have to see this section.

near POB Eye Hospital, Block 11 Gulistan-e-Johar, Karachi, Karachi City, Sindh


The link to the location is provided to you.

Naanflix Clifton Menu

All the details of Naan Stop Johar Menu Prices Location address and much more is availale here. Now the details of this restaurant is just available here. So make sure to ask other details in the comment section.

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