Those who are looking for Qureshi Tikka Shop Multan Menu or Deals can check the complete details from here. We have shared the complete details of this family restaurant with our beloved readers so that they can check what is being offered at this place and what the price range is. We are also sharing the other details of this restaurant including its complete address, pin location, and contact number for home delivery. So, if you are interested in getting a home delivery service then, we have shared their complete menu with a price. You can simply choose your favorite dish and can order by making a phone call to the contact number of this restaurant.

Qureshi Tikka Shop Multan

The Qureshi Tikka Multan is a family restaurant. You can bring your families to this place for a fine dining experience. Apart from this, you can celebrate your special events like your birthday, get together and much more and can get a special discount from the restaurant. Before visiting this place it is recommended to check their menu which is given below.

Qureshi Tikka Multan Menu:

From its name, it seems that this place only offers BBQ but this is wrong as they also have other variety of food too. You can get Chinese, Thai, Italian, and much more from this place. The purpose of sharing the Qureshi Tikka Multan menu is to show you the offerings of this place along with their prices.

Qureshi Tikka Shop Multan Menu Qureshi Tikka Shop Multan Menu 1 Qureshi Tikka Shop Multan Rice Menu Qureshi Tikka Shop Multan Continental Menu Qureshi Tikka Shop Multan BBQ Menu

Lunch Buffet:

The Qureshi Tikka has also introduced a lunch buffet at very reasonable prices. You can enjoy a variety of BBQ, Pakistani, Desi, and Asian food at just Rs 700. If we talk about the buffet timings then you can visit between 1 pm to 5 pm.

Qureshi Tikka Shop Multan Buffet


This place has various deals for its customers including its special family deals. So, if you want to avail of discounts then their deals are the best way of getting discounted items. Asides from this, you can also check their occasional deals and discounts from here too.

Contact Number:

This place is also offering a home delivery service in Multan and if you want to avail of home delivery then, you need to place an order on phone. We have shared their contact number for home delivery where you can place call and can order your favorite food.




Although it is a very famous place in Multan still most of the people don’t know about this. We have shared their complete address so that it will help you to find this place.

T Block Block T New Multan Colony, Multan, Punjab


Sometimes it happens that a person may fail to find a place so we have decided to share its pin location for our beloved readers. You can follow the directions to find Qureshi Tikka Shop.

Delhi Nihari Multan

Those who have already visited Qureshi Tikka Shop Multan and tried something can share their experience with others. Your honest review can help thousands of foodies who love to listen from you. For other restaurants in Multan, you can either check the below side or can visit the main page of this website.

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