People who are looking for Shafi Tikka Shop Saddar Bazar can check its complete menu and other details from here. In Saddar Lahore, there are different BBQ restaurants but only a few of them are offering the best BBQ. The Shafi Tikka Shop is one of those restaurants because they are offering the yummiest BBQ at very reasonable prices. Those who haven’t visited this place yet can visit this place on our recommendations. You can visit and can try their food and can also share your experience with this place on this website through comments. For more details of Shafi Tikka, you can check the below side.

Shafi Tikka Shop Saddar

Like other BBQ restaurants, Shafi Tikka Lahore is also offering a variety of chicken and beef BBQ. You can check the offerings of this BBQ restaurant from here before visiting this place. You can also find other nearby options from the bottom of this page. Currently, you can check the offerings of this eatery from these menu card pictures.

Shafi Tikka Shop Menu:

This restaurant is offering chicken kebab, beef kebab, chicken pieces, and much more. You can check the list of its offering by checking these Shafi Tikka Shop Menu card pictures. We are also sharing their prices so that you can check their offerings with their prices before visiting.

Lahore Karahi Saddar Menu


The specialty of this place is its special BBQ. People who love to eat chicken BBQ or beef BBQ can visit this place to try one of the yummiest BBQ in Saddar. For more details of Shafi Tikka Shop Specialty, you can check the above-given menu card pictures.

Shafi Tikka Shop Saddar


Currently, The Shafi Tikka is not offering any deal to its customers. As they will announce any deals, especially in the month of Ramadan, we will update it here soon.

Contact Number:

You can also avail of home delivery from Shafi Tikka Shop and for this, you have to make a call on their numbers. The contact number of this place are as follows.


This place is located in Saddar Lahore and its complete address is as follows.

Sarwar Rd, Bazaz Mohalla, Lahore, Punjab


You can check the Shafi Tikka Shop Saddar menu and other details from this website and can visit this place for a whole new BBQ experience. For other best BBQ places in Saddar Lahore, you can check the below side or can visit the main page of this website.

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