The famous Shinwari house of Pakistan, Shaheen Shinwari has introduced special Sehri and Iftar deals. Those who are interested in Shaheen Shinwari Ramadan Deals can check the latest deals and discounts from here. As the blessing month of Ramadan Karim has arrived and this place has decided to facilitate its customers. They have arranged Sehri and Iftar for its customers so that the maximum number of people can visit this place to try the yummiest food in Sehri and Iftar. So, if you want to avail of special discounts on Sehri and Iftar then, you can check its latest Ramadan deals from here.

Shaheen Shinwari Ramadan Deals

Shaheen Shinwari is one of the famous Shinwari places in Pakistan. This Shinwari restaurant has its branches in Karachi, Hyderabad, and Lahore. So, if you love to visit this place then, you have to check its Ramadan timings too. This place remains open from Iftar till Sehri and offers special Sehri and iftar deals. For more details, you can check the below side.

Shaheen Shinwari Iftar Deals:

People who want to avail special discounts during the month of Ramadan from this eatery can visit them during Iftar. They have special Shaheen Shinwari Iftar Deals that you can avail of by visiting any of its branches. We are also sharing its Ramadan menu which is as follows.

Shaheen Shinwari Ramadan Deals

Do Shaheen Shinwari Offer Sehri?

People who are looking for the best Sehri places can visit Shaheen Shinwari as this place is arranging Sehri too. Furthermore, they are also offering special deals and discounts that are valid from Iftar till Sehri during the month of Ramadan.

Karak Khel Iftar Buffet


This place remains crowded every time, so if you want to visit them for Sehri and Iftar then, we will recommend you reserve your table before visiting. Their reservation number is as follows. Furthermore, you can also avail home delivery service by dialing the below-given number.

021 38899666

These are the details of Shaheen Shinwari Ramadan Deals for Sehri and Iftar. For other restaurants and hotels, you can check the below side.

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