If you are looking for the menu of The Cube by Nishat Hotel then you can check from here. We are sharing the complete details of The Cube Restaurant Lahore Menu with prices. If you are interested to visit this place then let me tell you that this place is offering one of the best dine-in experiences in Lahore. You can get a variety of food from this place and can celebrate your birthdays and other small and medium events. If we talk about its deals then they offer limited-time offers that you can only check by visiting this place. For further details, you can scroll down.

The Cube Restaurant Lahore Menu

People who are looking for the cube restaurant menu can check the complete menu with prices from here. We have shared its latest menu pictures but still, the restaurant can change its menu at any time. You can check the price by scrolling down.

The Cube Restaurant by Nishat Hotel Menu:

This place is offering a limited number of dishes like starters, sandwiches, and much more. If you want to check the complete menu of this place then you need to check The Cube Restaurant by Nishat Hotel Menu card pictures which are as follows.

The Cube Restaurant Lahore Menu The Cube Restaurant Lahore Menu 1

Deals and Discounts:

This place has special deals and discounts for its regular and new customers. If you are interested in obtaining any kind of discount on your food then you need to check their latest deals and discounts which are as follows.

Restaurant Pictures:

Everyone likes to check the pictures of the place before visiting. If you are also interested in checking its restaurant pictures then you can check from here.

Contact number:

This place has pre-booking service. So, if you are looking for its contact number for booking then you can simply call on the following numbers.

(042) 35984001


The complete address is as follows.

10 Mian Mehmood Ali Kasoori Rd, Block A3 Block A 3 Gulberg III, Lahore, Punjab


Chandni Chowk Lahore Menu

If you have any questions related to The Cube Restaurant Lahore Menu or prices then you can ask through comments. We will answer your questions as soon as possible.

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