Wasabi restaurant is the house of top-quality, authentic Japanese cuisine, being the first of its kind. Go to this place and ten have the tasty food according to your taste buds. We are talking about the Wasabi Gulberg Lahore. This restaurant is situated in Gulberg Lahore. The taste of this restaurant is very delicious. Most people visit this place and enjoy the taste along with the Japanese ambiance. Visit this place with your families and friends to enjoy more. Now more you can see the menu and the rates from here.

Wasabi Gulberg Lahore

As the place has a special kind of theme according to the choice of customers. So you can say that this place is very beautiful and attractive. During Corona Virus all the crockery was kept clean and try not to use it again due to the safety of customers.

Wasabi Menu Card:

This restaurant has a menu card. In this menu card, you will find tasty Japanese food. This restaurant makes the dishes according to your taste.  All the prices of the dishes are also very reasonable. Tasty sushi is available in this restaurant. If you are interested then make sure to visit this place.

wasabi breakfast menu wasabi breakfast menu card wasabi breakfast menus

Wasabi Breakfast Menu:

According to the owner of this restaurant, you can avail discount according to your events. In events, this restaurant staff will cooperate with you and decorate the restaurant. The dishes of this restaurant are so tasty. The best breakfast in town is waiting for you. This breakfast is available only at Wasabi DHA & Wasabi Gulberg. The serving time is from 8 am till 5 pm.

wasabi menu rates wasabi menu card

Wasabi Platters:

The dishes are cooked in healthy oil so you have to taste the platters. All the people give good remarks to their taste. The Parmesan Chicken tastes as good as it looks. Indulge in the new Continental menu for a wholesome treat.

wasabi platterss wasabi platters wasabi platter

Wasabi Gulberg Images:

Here we have shared the images on the below side. Check the images from here and then you have an idea about the beauty of this place.

wasabi images

Wasabi Contact Number:

We are sharing the contact number of this place.

0322 3533322

Wasabi Address:

This is the address of the restaurant.

98(A) B-1 Gulberg-III, MM Alam Road, Lahore. Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan-54660

Wasabi Location:

We are sharing the location because you can find this place easily.

Jaifal Restaurant Gulberg

All the details of Wasabi Gulberg Lahore are shared here. Now you can check the information from the main page of the website. For more information about eth Japenese food search on the category of Chinese and Thai.

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