During this pandemic where the government is doing smart and semi-smart lockdown, the Pakistani restaurant industry has disturbed. Most of the restaurants have closed their services while others are only relying on takeaway and home delivery. Those restaurants that have huge parking are serving food to their customers in their cars through car service. Even when the government gives some relaxation like allows outdoor dining then still these types of restaurants prefer to serve their customers in their cars. There are several reasons that you can check why car delivery is replacing dine-in in Pakistan.

Car Delivery is Replacing Dine-in In Pakistan

After the third wave of coronavirus in Pakistan, the government has strictly forbidden the dine-in service. In 2020, when it was the first experience, people closed their restaurants but now they are mentally prepared because they know how to tackle this pandemic. When dining is closed at restaurants, they still can serve their customers through takeaway, home delivery, and car service. Instead of taking risks by allowing customers to dine-in, they are now preferring to serve them in their cars. This is the best way for both the customers and restaurants that they can use to avoid the risk of covid-21 in Pakistan.

Car Delivery is Replacing Dine-in In Pakistan

How Car Delivery is Replacing Dining in Pakistan?

People are asking that how card delivery is replacing dining in Pakistan. If you are also looking for the answer to this question then you need to know that most of the restaurants that were using large halls for dine-in are now shifting to large parking areas. So that, they can serve their customers in their cars. There are several reasons that you can check from the below side.

Low Risk:

The first reason that why restaurants and customers are preferring car delivery services is that they don’t want to get covid-21. When they go for dine-in they don’t want to take risks and want to get their food in their cars. Through this, they can save themselves as well as other peoples who are visiting such restaurants.

Compliance with Government Policy:

As the government has restricted indoor dining at restaurants, you can comply with the government policy by getting your food in your car. You can enjoy your food in your car and can follow the government policy which is made for your safety. So, if the government allows restaurants to dine-in, still you need to care for your safety. You can get your food in your car until this disease will vanish from Pakistan.


When you are eating your food in your car then no one is watching you as well as no one is keeping an eye on you. You can enjoy your food while enjoying your time with your loved one. Isn’t it a good idea to go on date with your loved one where no one will disturb you?

These are some of the reasons that why Car Delivery is Replacing Dine-in In Pakistan. So, you must consider car service instead of forcing restaurants to dine-in because it is ethically wrong too. It’s your responsibility to keep you safe and if your car is keeping you safe from covid-21 then why you are not taking care of your health? Always take care of yourself because you will not only put yourself in danger but also put your family in danger too.

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