Category: Islamabad Restaurants

The complete detail about Islamabad Restaurants Menu prices will be shared on this website. If you are going to order any food from any restaurant or from any third party like Food Panda then please confirm the real prices from this website. If you are not finding the location of any restaurant then still you can check it from here. We will love to help you in finding the best restaurants of your favorite cuisine in your home town Islamabad. If you are a visitor then you can also compare the prices of different restaurants and decide where to order your food. We have separated these restaurants on the basis of cuisine. So don’t worry if you wish to find the best restaurant of your favorite cuisine then you can also search it here. All Desi, Pakistani, Indian, Italian, Fast Food, and Arabic restaurants will be mentioned here. So search for your favorite place and also rate your favorite place too.

Monal Islamabad Menu

When we talk about Pakistan’s famous restaurants then on the top we can mention The Monal. There are now opened many branches in Pakistan and different cities like Lahore and…

Sallys F11 Menu

For the Yummiest burgers, sandwiches, and wraps, there is a hidden gem in F11 Islamabad. We are talking about Sallys F11 which is not only offering the yummiest burgers but…

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