People who are looking for the Iftar Buffet in Lahore Under 1000 can check the list of places that are offering buffets under 1000. As the month of Ramadan has begun and restaurants have introduced Sehri and Iftar buffets, there are some restaurants that have reduced their prices just for the sack of Ramadan. You can check the list of places that are not only offering a buffet but offering it at very reasonable prices. So, if you are going to throw an Iftar party then, you have to check the below-given list in order to find a budget-friendly place for iftar in Lahore.

Iftar Buffet in Lahore Under 1000

As the month of Ramadan has started, so, every restaurant is striving to provide the best deals to Muslims across Lahore. Some of the restaurants have introduced a special Iftar buffet so that people who are visiting them can eat maximum food from these places. The below-given list is prepared for those who want to do the Iftar buffet but have a limited budget.

Lahore Iftar Buffet Under 1000:

People who are looking for the cheapest Iftar buffet in Lahore can check the list of places that are offering Lahore Iftar buffets under 1000. You can reserve a table at any of these restaurants and can try one of the yummiest buffets. People who are looking for Iftar at restaurants can visit these places instead of those who offer only deals during Iftar. So, have a look on the below side to check the list of places that are offering the cheapest Iftar buffet in Lahore.

Karachi Hot N Spicy:

The first restaurant that is offering a special buffet for less than 1000 is Karachi Hot N Spicy. You can visit Karachi Hot N Spicy for an Iftar cum dinner buffet at Just Rs 999. If we talk about the dishes then, they are offering more than 30 dishes in their special Iftar cum dinner buffet. For more details, you can check the below side.

Karachi Hot N Spicy Iftar Buffet

Majid Shinwari:

If you love to eat Afghani or Peshawari food in Iftar then, Majid Shinwari is an ideal place for you. This restaurant has introduced a special Iftar cum dinner buffet for customers who want to visit this place. We are sharing their Iftar buffet with prices that you can check from the below-given pictures.

Majid Shinwari iftar Buffet

Upland Café:

The Upland Café is not only offering single cuisine but offering different cuisines in their special Iftar buffet. You can get a variety of food including Italian, BBQ, Pakistani, and Desi in this Iftar cum dinner buffet. Those who want to visit this place for an Iftar cum dinner buffet can check its complete menu with prices from the below-given menu card pictures.

Upland Cafe Iftar Buffet

Central Café:

The Central café is bringing dishes from all across the world in their special Iftar cum dinner buffet. From Grilled Chicken Tarragon to Arrabieta pasta, they have a lot of dishes. For more details, you can check the below-given menu card picture of this café.

Iftar Buffet in Lahore Under 1000


AFOHS Club just brings the best Buffet for Dinner having a Lavish menu for Exotic Food Lovers at the Best Price. Bring your family and friends to enjoy the serene environment of the lush green lawn. Kindly book your table in advance to avoid any inconvenience. For further details contact on the numbers of AFHOS Club. The buffet will just be available on RS 999. Enjoy the Iftar Brunch in the Holy month of Ramadan at AFOHS Club. Buffet of 40+ Traditional Lahori Dishes with live cooking at the Lowest Price of Rs. 999/.

Afhos club iftar buffet

Best Sehri Deals in Lahore

These are the restaurants that are offering Iftar Buffet in Lahore Under 1000. You can visit any of these restaurants for a memorable Iftar buffet. If you know any other place that is offering Iftar under 1000 in Lahore then, you can let us know through comments. We will surely update that café or restaurant on this list as soon as possible.

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