We have shared Meraki Restaurant Islamabad Menu with prices for those who are going to visit this place. This place is offering a wide range of cuisines from around the globe for the foodies who love to try two or more cuisines under the same roof. This place has a continental, Desi, Chinese, BBQ, and much more for its beloved customers. Meraki Restaurant is also offering lunch come hi-tea to its customers. So, if you want to bring your office colleagues to hi-tea then you must have to consider this place. They also have very exciting deals that you can check from the below side of this article. So, scroll down and check its complete menu with prices.

Meraki Restaurant Islamabad Menu

Meraki Restaurant Islamabad is one of the best places for desi, continental, and Chinese food. This place is offering the best quality food at very economical prices. So, if you want to visit this place then you need to check its complete menu and latest deals from the below side.

Meraki Restaurant Menu:

This place has desi, continental, Chinese, and much more. We have shared the complete Meraki Restaurant Menu on the below side. Open the below images and check its complete menu with prices. We have also shared their deals that you can scroll and check.

Meraki Restaurant Islamabad Menu Meraki Restaurant Islamabad Menu 1 Meraki Restaurant Islamabad Menu 2 Meraki Restaurant Islamabad Menu 2 Meraki Restaurant Islamabad Menu 4 Meraki Restaurant Islamabad Menu 5

Meraki Restaurant Islamabad Deals:

They have different deals for their customers including Desi lunch deals, continental lunch deals, and much more. You can check Meraki Restaurant Islamabad deals from the below side and can visit this place during their mentioned timings. Their lunch deals only valid between 12:00 pm to 4:00 pm.

Meraki Restaurant Islamabad Deals Meraki Restaurant Islamabad Deals 1

Meraki Restaurant Hi-Tea Menu:

This place is also serving hi-tea to its customers. So, if you are gathering with your friends then you can visit this place for Hi-tea. Their hi-tea timings are 4:00 pm to 7:00 pm. You can check the complete Meraki Restaurant Hi-Tea Menu from the below side and can visit this place.

Meraki Restaurant Hi Tea Meraki Restaurant Hi Tea Menu

Restaurant Pictures:

This place is not only serving the best quality food but also provide a very healthy environment. You can check Meraki Restaurant Pictures from here and can check its ambiance too.

Contact Number:

Those who are looking for Meraki Restaurant Islamabad contact numbers can check their contact number from the below side. You can call on this number to book your table or for food delivery.



Here is the complete address of Meraki Restaurant Islamabad.

Beverly Centre, F-6/1, Islamabad


Khiva Restaurant F7 Menu

If you have any questions related to Meraki Restaurant Islamabad Menu Prices then you can do comment on the below side. We have also shared the menus of other restaurants near this place that you can check by visiting the main page of this website.

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