If you are in Serena hotel Islamabad and feeling hungry then you can order something from Wild Rice Restaurant Islamabad Menu. At this place, you can get Indonesian, Chinese, Japanese, and much more. They also have some special dishes including Tom Yum Goong soup, Ikan baked grilled fish, and much more. So, if you are still confused about either to visit this place or not then you can check its complete menu from the below side of this website. We have also shared its contact number for room delivery or table reservation that you can check by scrolling down.

Wild Rice Restaurant Islamabad Menu

Wild Rice Restaurant Serena hotel Islamabad is one of the best places for Chinese, Japanese, and thai food. If you want to check the prices of its food then you can simply scroll down and can check its complete menu.

Wild Rice Menu:

Those who are interested to check the complete Wild rice Menu Islamabad can check from the below side. We have shared the complete menu with updated prices that you can check from the below side. So, open any of the below images and check the complete menu with prices.

Wild Rice Restaurant Islamabad Menu Wild Rice Restaurant Islamabad Menu 1 Wild Rice Restaurant Islamabad Menu 2 Wild Rice Restaurant Islamabad Menu 3 Wild Rice Restaurant Islamabad Menu 4 Wild Rice Restaurant Islamabad Menu 5 Wild Rice Restaurant Islamabad Menu 6 Wild Rice Restaurant Islamabad Menu 7


This place is famous for its Japanese, Chinese, and Thai food. If you are looking for its specialty then you can check from the menu of this restaurant. We have shared its complete menu on the above side that you can check and visit this place for dine-in.

Deals and Discounts:

This place is currently not offering any deal to its customers. If you want to get a discount from this place then you can pay through a card and can save up to 10% of your tax.

Restaurant Pictures:

Wild Rice Restaurant Islamabad pictures are shared in the below side. You can check the below images and can visit this place in Serena hotel.

Wild Rice Restaurant Islamabad Pictures

Contact Number:

Wild Rice Restaurant Serena hotel contact number for table reservation is as follows.

+92 51 111 133 133

You can find us on Pinterest


This place is located in Serena hotel Islamabad. Here is the complete address of Wild Rice Restaurant Islamabad.

Serena Hotel, Islamabad, G-5, Islamabad, Islamabad Capital Territory


You can also find this place on Google Maps.

1969 Restaurant Islamabad Menu

Opening and Closing Time:

7:00 Pm to 11:00 Pm

If you want to get more details about Wild Rice Restaurant Islamabad Menu Prices then you can call on their contact numbers. Elsewise, check the other restaurants near this place in Islamabad.

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