Those who are looking for the price and details of UET Panga Shake Lahore can check the complete details from here. UET Panga is one of the best shakes not only in Lahore but also in Pakistan. This famous shake is only available at UET University Lahore campus. The name of this drink is also very attractive and that is the reason people love to try this shake. So, if you want to know where can I get Panga shake in Lahore or want to know its prices then you can check its details from the below side. We have shared its complete details like its address, and ingredients that you can check from the below side.
UET Panga Shake Lahore
The Panga Shake is trending nowadays. So, if you want to try their special shake then you must have to get its details like where can you find Panga shake in Lahore, what is its price, and much more. The complete detail of this famous shake in Lahore.
Panga Shake:
The Panga shake is a famous shake from UET Lahore. If we talk about its specialty then this shake comes with fruits, shake, and ice cream scoops. Basically, they add different fruits to make it unique from other shakes in Lahore.
What Are the Ingredients of Panga Shake?
So, if you want to know what is in the Special UET Panga shake then let me tell you the complete recipe of this milkshake. They add the following ingredients to this special Panga shake.
- Seasonal Milk Shake
- Fruits
- Ice Cream
The combination of all three ingredients makes it a very unique drink that you will surely love to drink again and again.
UET Panga Price:
Those who are looking for the UET Panga Shake price must have to know that the single glass costs RS 150.
This famous shake is only available at UET Annexe Café. The complete address is as follows.
Annexes Cafe Azmat Fruit Shop UET Lahore
We are also sharing the UET Panga Shake location that you can check from the below-given maps.
If you have any questions related to UET Panga Shake Lahore then you can ask through comments. We will surely answer your questions as soon as possible.