Rawalpindi’s favorite food, Savour food is now available at stadium road Rawalpindi. You can check complete Savour Foods Stadium Road Rawalpindi Menu prices and can decide to visit this place. When it comes to Rawalpindi, they do not just only food they eat savour food. Savour food is the specialty of Rawalpindi and if you are living in Rawalpindi and never tried this food then you are not true Rawalpindian. Even outsiders know that Pindi’s famous food is Savour food. The best thing of this restaurant is that you can visit with your family as this is a true family restaurant with great environment. You can also celebrate your birthdays as they allow their beloved customers to celebrate their birthdays with them. For Savour food menu prices, you can scroll down.
Savour Foods Stadium Road Rawalpindi Menu
The history of Savour food is very interesting. The owner of this restaurant chain started his business from a food cart and now they have branches in all across the country. It is due to their taste and quality of food on which they never compromise. If you haven’t tried their food then visit this place today and try their special rice.
Savour Foods Stadium Road Menu:
At start, this restaurant was only offering its special rice but with the passage of time it has added fast food and other Pakistani dishes to its cuisine. For complete Savour Foods Stadium Road Menu prices you can scroll down. In the below images, you can find their complete menu with prices.
Deals and Discounts:
When you visit this place then must try their special deals and get special discount. The best thing of this restaurant is that if you are a school student and visit this place in uniform then you will get their special rice at very reasonable price. Even if you have 20 rupee in your pocket then still you can get their rice.
Savour Foods Stadium Road Contact Number:
This restaurant also deliver food to your doorstep. If you want to get your food deliver at your doorstep then simply call on Savour Foods Stadium Road Rawalpindi contact number.
The complete address of this branch is as follows.
Cricket Stadium، Shamsabad, Rawalpindi, Punjab
Birthday Celebrations:
You can book your table and can decor it by yourself. They allow their customers to celebrate their birthdays at their place. Their ambiance is enough to make your birthday memorable but still you have option to decor it by yourself.
Monal Down Town Rawalpindi Menu
If you want to get more information about Savour Foods Stadium Road Rawalpindi Menu prices then do a comment. If you want to check other restaurants in Rawalpindi then simply scroll down and click on any of your favorite restaurant.