Here you will get the details about Tandoori Restaurant Faisalabad. From here you will get all the information related to this restaurant. As we all talking about the main restaurants of Faisalabad then Tandoori restaurant could be at the first place. According to the name of the restaurant Tandoori restaurant, you will find all the items that are cooked in tandoor. If you want some good flavored food then this is the best place because they offer reasonable prices. The special and hot item of Tandoori Restaurant is their tandoori ice cream. You guys can scroll down check the complete menu of the restaurant.

Tandoori Restaurant Faisalabad

When there is no time to decide where you have to visit while outing in Faislabad. Then you must visit Tandoori Restaurant. This is the place where you can go and taste the food at a very reasonable cost. They never disappoint their customers. Because they know the taste of the valuable people.

Tandoori Restaurant Menu Card:

This is the menu card for this lovely place. You can see that they have a vast range of food items for the customers. You just have to see the menu card and then decide what you are going to taste from here. Then go there and order the hot and sizzling food for your partner.

Tandoori Restaurant Complete Menu 1 Tandoori Restaurant Complete Menu 1 Tandoori Restaurant Complete Menu Tandoori Restaurant Tandoori Items Menu Tandoori Restaurant Tandoori Items Menu Tandoori Restaurant Tandoori Items Menu Tandoori Restaurant Tandoori Items Menu

Tandoori Restaurant Hi-Tea:

Enjoy a succulent variety of cuisines with your friends and family from the special Hi-Tea buffet. The rates of the buffet are also very reasonable that it only cost RS 995+tax per head. They just can’t wait to serve you.

Tandoori Restaurant Hitea menu

Tandoori Restaurant Deals:

Spice your taste buds with Tandoori Restaurants. They are introducing the zesty Tandoori Chargha for only Rs.999 including tax. Order now and get a free 1L soft drink with your order. So what are you waiting for?

tandoori deals

Tandoori Restaurant Events:

Book your event with this restaurant & get an insight into the array of magnificent services by Tandoori Restaurant. The place is offering beautiful sights for your birthdays.


Tandoori Restaurant Contact Number:

This is the number of this place you can call them and then ask for the booking.

0348 4441888

Tandoori Restaurant Address:

For address, you can check the below side.

6-A Kohinoor City, Faisalabad, Punjab 38000

Tandoori Restaurant Location:

All those who are new in Faisalabad can take help with Google pin map location.

Malwari Paratha Kabab Faisalabad Menu

This is the complete details about Tandoori Restaurant Faisalabad. The details include menu card information and the hi-tea information is available here. So make sure to visit this place to have fun with your friends and family members.

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