Do you know What is the Difference between Kabuli Pulao and Bannu Beef Pulao? If no then after reading this article, you will be able to differentiate both types of rice. Both Banu Beef Pulao and Kabuli Pulao are the famous dishes of Pashtuns. People love to eat both types of Pulao because of their taste. Kabuli Pulao is basically coming from Afghanistan and favorite of those people who love to eat Afghani cuisine. Whereas, Bannu beef pulao is the dish of Pakistani Pashtuns which indicates the culture of Bannu city. You can try any of this two pulao and you will surely love them. On the below side, we are going to share the difference between these two pulao types.

What is the Difference Between Kabuli Pulao And Bannu Beef Pulao

Afghani cuisine is one of the most well-liked cuisines not only in Pakistan but also in other countries too. People love to eat this cuisine because of its unique taste. Its most famous dishes are Shinwari, Salim Dumba, and Pulao. When it comes to pulao, there are two types of pulao including Kabuli and Bannu beef pulao. Both have a very unique taste and that is the reason who ear once always demand this beef. On the below side, we are going the share the difference between these two types of pulao.

Bannu Beef Pulao:

Bannu Beef Pulao is one of the most demanding Pulao in Pakistan. This pulao is different from Kabuli pulao because while making this pulao, they make yakhni and then add yukhni in it. Furthermore, there is no extra items like they use in Kabuli pulao. The picture of Bannu beef pulao is as follows.

Bannu Beef Pulao

Kabuli Pulao:

When it comes to Kabuli pulao, people usually make it with lamb meat or Beef meat. Furthermore, they use sweet carrots and raisins. Kabuli pulao is less spicy and usually tastes sweet due to sweet carrots and raisins. We have shared the picture of Kabuli Polow in the below side which will help you to differentiate it from Bannu beef polow.

Kabuli Pulao

What is the difference between Shinwari and Sulemani Karahi

This is the detail of What is the Difference Between Kabuli Pulao And Bannu Beef Pulao. If you want to check the details of any restaurant then you can check from the main page of this website.

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